Alternative MedicinesInfectionInjuries
   Adenoviral Infections
   Chlamydial Infections
   Chronic Fatigue and Immune Dysfunction Syndrome
   Clostridium Difficile Infection
   Colorado Tick Fever
   Common Cold
   Cytomegalovirus Infection
   Ebola Virus Infection
   Escherichia Coli
   Gas Gangrene
   Genital Warts
   Haemophilus Influenzae Infection
   Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome
   Herpes Simplex
   Herpes Zoster
   Hookworm Disease
   Infectious Mononucleosis
   Legionnaires' Disease
   Lyme Disease
   Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
   Necrotizing Fasciitis


Strongyloidiasis (threadworm infection) is a parasitic intestinal infection that occurs worldwide. It's endemic in the tropics and subtropics as well as areas associated with poor hygiene. Outbreaks also occur in facilities. Its incidence in the United States is low.

Susceptibility to strongyloidiasis is universal; infection doesn't confer immunity. Because the reproductive cycle of the threadworm may continue in the untreated host for as long as 45 years after the initial infection, autoinfection is highly probable.

Most patients with strongyloidiasis recover completely, but debilitation from protein loss occasionally is fatal. Massive autoinfection, especially in immunocompromised patients, also can be fatal.


S. stercoralis is fairly common in warm moist areas. Rarely it can be found as far north as Canada.

This tiny worm is barely visible to the naked eye. Its life cycle is very similar to the hookworm: Young roundworms penetrate the skin. They migrate through the bloodstream to the lungs and up the large airways. The worms are swallowed. The young worms mature and bury themselves into the intestinal wall and adult roundworms begin producing eggs in the intestines.

Exposure occurs when skin has direct contact with contaminated soil. Unlike the hookworm life cycle, where the eggs must pass in the feces and mature in wet soil, the roundworm eggs hatch and the larvae can infect others even at the time they are passed in the feces.

Because of this, the larvae may move through the skin near the anus after being passed in the stool and repeat the cycle. A person becomes more heavily infected with each cycle. Areas where the larvae go through the skin may become red and painful.

Symptoms and Signs

Common Symptoms includes:

  • Often asymptomatic
  • Periodic appearance of red hive-like appearing lesions near the anus
  • Abdominal pain (upper abdomen, epigastric)
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Cough
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Rash

Diagnostic tests

Observation of S. stercoralis larvae in a fresh stool specimen allows diagnosis (2 hours after excretion, rhabditoid larvae look like hookworm larvae). Repeated testing may be needed. During the pulmonary phase, sputum may show many eosinophils and larvae.


Because of the potential for autoinfection, the patient needs treatment with thiabendazole for 2 to 3 days. The total dose shouldn't exceed 3 g. He also may need protein replacement, blood transfusions, and I.V.fluids.

Treatment is necessary if S. stercoralis remains in stools after therapy. Corticosteroids are contraindicated because they increase the risk of autoinfection and dissemination and also predispose the patient to GI ulceration.


Good personal hygiene can reduce the risk of strongyloidiasis. Adequate public health services and sanitary facilities provide good control of infection.

   Pneumocystis Carinii Pneumonia
   Pseudomonas Infections
   Relapsing Fever
   Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection
   Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever
   Roseola Infantum
   Salmonella Infection
   Scarlet Fever
   Toxic Shock Syndrome
   Vancomycin Intermittent-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
   Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus
   West Nile Encephalitis

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